The US has run up budget and external deficits over the years to fuel its consumption spree, thanks to the dollar's status as the reserve currency. 这几年来,基于作为储备货币的美元的现状,美国已经提高了它的预算和对外赤字来推动消费热潮。
With low external debt, a manageable budget deficit, a bulging current account surplus and a$ 360bn pile of reserve assets – Asia's third largest – Taiwan seems well placed to ride out any storm. 台湾拥有较低的外部债务、可控的预算赤字、充足的经常账户盈余和3600亿美元外汇储备资产(亚洲第三大规模),因此看起来它能够很好地度过任何风暴。
This would both reduce its external surpluses, countering the growing protectionist backlash against Chinese exports, and halt its wasteful reserve build-up. 这既能减少其国际收支盈余、从而抵消保护主义者对中国出口商品日益上升的抵制情绪,也能结束其不经济的外汇储备积累。
But there is no sign that China will stop intervening, or that its surpluses will abate, even though the US external deficit has declined sharply, and its reserve build-up is thus likely to become even more threatening. 但目前没有迹象表明,中国将停止干预,或者其盈余将减少(尽管美国对外赤字已大幅下滑),因此中国外汇储备的继续累积可能会变得更具威胁性。
Through comparing classification and management of hydrocarbon reserves at home and abroad, external reserve management is analyzed from the aspects of government macro-control, oil company inherent control and market operation. 通过对中外油气储量分类方法和管理方式进行对比,从政府宏观管理、石油企业内部管理和市场运作等方面重点分析了外国现行的储量管理方式。
The insurance fund includes internal capital and external capital, which are registration capital, accumulation fund, security, reserve and other fund. 保险资金包括自有资金和外来资金两部分,具体包括资本金、公积金、保证金、各类准备金及其他资金等。
Because of impacts of the external world factor over medicinal material component such as growing quality, place of production and reserve time, the difference of them can be reflected respectively on infrared spectra. 种质、产地和贮存年限等外界因素对药材组分的影响,从红外光谱上应能反映出各自的差异。
Human activities external to the spread of invasive plants has obvious impact, traffic density, crop acreage is a strong correlation between the nature reserve area, population density has strong negative correlation. 人类活动对外来入侵植物的扩散具有明显的影响,其中交通密度、农作物播种面积具有较强正相关关系;自然保护区面积、人口密度具有较强的负相关关系。
In order to set up clear property rights and reduce the external impact, it is necessary to break the current pattern of marine space which is intensively exploited, to project the reasonable marine exploration space, and to reserve appropriate marine area for development. 为建立明晰的产权,降低外部性影响,就要打破当前密集的海域使用格局,合理划分海域使用区,预留合理发展海域。
Recently, with the increasing of our external dependence on oil, natural gas, raw material and other important materials, port facilities as trade goods 'import, transit and reserve base, is more prominent to national economy. 近年来,随着我国对石油、天然气、原材料等重要战略物资对外依存度的增加,港口设施作为外贸物资进口的接卸点、中转或储备基地,其对国家经济安全的作用也更加突出。
In the way of material compensation system, from an increase in pay of external competitiveness and internal equity aspects, and the positions set different levels of fixed pay, reserve pay up space. 在物质薪酬方面,从提高薪酬外部竞争力和内部公平性方面着手,并对各岗位设置不同的固定薪酬等级,预留薪酬的上升空间。